#include "AVPMediaInfo.h"
◆ coverURL
◆ duration
media duration Unit: millisecond.
◆ mediaType
◆ status
◆ thumbnails
◆ title
◆ totalBitrate
Retrievable bit rate (VOD and multi-bit rate values are 0; Should use trackBitrate in AVPTrackInfo)
◆ tracks
◆ transcodeMode
- (NSString*) transcodeMode |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
media transcodeMode Transcoding type.
Valid values: FastTranscode and NoTranscode. FastTranscode: Transcode the content immediately after it is uploaded. Only transcoded content can be played. NoTranscode: Do not transcode the content after it is uploaded. Content can be played without transcoding. Default: FastTranscode.
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