#include "AVPSource.h"
◆ initWithVid:accId:accSecret:stsToken:authInfo:region:playDomain:mtsHlsUriToken:
- (instancetype) initWithVid: |
(NSString *) | vid |
accId: |
(NSString *) | accId |
accSecret: |
(NSString *) | accSecret |
stsToken: |
(NSString *) | stsToken |
authInfo: |
(NSString *) | authInfo |
region: |
(NSString *) | region |
playDomain: |
(NSString *) | playDomain |
mtsHlsUriToken: |
(NSString *) | mtsHlsUriToken |
Play by VID and MPS.
This playback method is used by video transcoding service users. Reference for some of the parameters: https://help.aliyun.com/document_detail/53522.html?spm=5176.doc53534.2.5.mhSfOh
- Parameters
vid | The VID of the video. |
accId | The AccessKey ID of the user. |
accSecret | The AccessKey Secret of the user. |
stsToken | The token information of the user. |
authInfo | The authInfo of the user. |
region | The region information of the user. |
playDomain | The playDomain information of the user. |
mtsHlsUriToken | The mtsHlsUriToken information of the user. |
◆ accId
◆ accSecret
◆ authInfo
◆ mtsHlsUriToken
- (NSString*) mtsHlsUriToken |
readwritenonatomiccopy |
◆ playDomain
◆ region
◆ stsToken
◆ vid
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