#import "AVPSource.h"
NSString * | cacheFile |
| cache file path, app may cache the beginning of remote mp4 file to local path, set it to player to improve loading speed. More...
uint64_t | originSize |
NSURL * | playerUrl |
| player url More...
NSString * | coverURL |
| 封面地址 More...
NSString * | definitions |
| 设置点播服务器返回的码率清晰度类型。例如:"FD,LD,SD,HD,OD,2K,4K,SQ,HQ"。 注意:如果类型为"AUTO", 那么只会返回自适应码率流。 More...
BOOL | forceQuality |
| 是否强制使用此清晰度。如果强制,则在没有对应清晰度的情况下播放不了。 More...
NSString * | quality |
| 期望播放的清晰度 More...
NSString * | title |
| 视频标题 More...
◆ fileURLWithPath:
- (instancetype) fileURLWithPath: |
(NSString *) |
url |
◆ urlWithString:
- (instancetype) urlWithString: |
(NSString *) |
url |
◆ cacheFile
cache file path, app may cache the beginning of remote mp4 file to local path, set it to player to improve loading speed.
◆ originSize
◆ playerUrl
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