(void) | - handlePanGesture: |
(instancetype) | - init |
| Initialize the player.
(instancetype) | - init: |
| Initialize the player.
(void) | - resetGestureAngle |
(void) | - rotateVRSceneWithX:andY: |
(void) | - setDisplayMode: |
(void) | - setFovDegrees: |
(void) | - setInteractionOptions:enabled: |
(void) | - setVideoBackgroundColor: |
(void) | - setVRDelegate: |
(void) | - setVRDisplayContentsWithImage: |
(void) | - setVRPlayerType: |
(void) | - setVRSceneRotate: |
(void) | - setVRSceneScale: |
(void) | - addExtSubtitle: |
| Add external subtitles.
(void) | - clearScreen |
| Clear screen.
(void) | - clearScreenSync |
| Clear screen sync.
(void) | - destroy |
| Sync delete the player.
(void) | - destroyAsync |
| Async delete the player.
(void) | - enableDowngrade:config: |
| Modify player configuration.
(NSString *) | - getCacheFilePath: |
| Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(NSString *) | - getCacheFilePath:format:definition: |
| Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(NSString *) | - getCacheFilePath:format:definition:previewTime: |
| Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(AVPConfig *) | - getConfig |
| Query player configuration.
(AVPTrackInfo *) | - getCurrentTrack: |
| Query the track that is being played.
(AVPMediaInfo *) | - getMediaInfo |
| Query media information, including track information.
(NSString *) | - getOption: |
| Get player information.
(int64_t) | - getPlayedDuration |
| @breif get played time, will not affected by seek
(void *) | - getPlayer |
(NSString *) | - getPlayerName |
| Get used player name.
(NSString *) | - getPropertyString: |
| Get information by key.
(AVPMediaInfo *) | - getSubMediaInfo |
| Query media sub stream information, including track information.
(void) | - getThumbnail: |
| Retrieve the thumbnail image at the specified position.
(NSString *) | - getUserData |
| Get user data, and each player instance bind one.
(int) | - invokeComponent: |
| Send command to component.
(void) | - pause |
| Pause.
(void) | - prepare |
| Prepare for playback.
(void) | - redraw |
| Refresh the view in certain situations, for example, when the size of the view changes.
(void) | - reload |
| Reload resources.
(void) | - reset |
| Reset.
(void) | - seekToTime:seekMode: |
| Seek to a specified position.
(void) | - selectExtSubtitle:enable: |
| Select external subtitles.
(void) | - selectTrack: |
| Switch definition according to the specified track index.
(void) | - selectTrack:accurate: |
| Switch definition according to the specified track index.
(void) | - sendCustomEvent: |
| Send custom event, will callback through AVPEventReportParamsDelegate.
(void) | - setAuthSource: |
| Play by VID and playauth.
(void) | - setBitStreamSource: |
| Play by bit stream.
(BOOL) | - setCacheConfig: |
| Modify cache configuration.
(void) | - setConfig: |
| Modify player configuration.
(void) | - setDefaultBandWidth: |
| Set the default playback bitrate for multi-bit rate.
(void) | - setEventReportParamsDelegate: |
| Set a proxy.
(void) | - setFilterConfig: |
| Set filter config.
(void) | - setFilterInvalid:invalid: |
| disable/enable filter.
(void) | - setLiveStsSource: |
| Play by 使用LiveSts.
(void) | - setMaxAccurateSeekDelta: |
| set the maximum interval of precision seek.
(void) | - setMpsSource: |
| Play by VID and MPS.
(void) | - setOption:value: |
| Set specified option.
(void) | - setOption:valueInt: |
| Set specified option.
(void) | - setPictureinPictureDelegate: |
| set delegate for picture in picture
(void) | - setPictureInPictureEnable: |
| Set picture in picture enable (The picture in picture function of the player requires systems above ios15.
(void) | - setPictureInPictureShowMode: |
| set show mode for picture in picture
(void) | - setPlayUrlConvertCallback: |
| Set a URL conversion callback.
(void) | - setPreferPlayerName: |
| Set preper player name.
(void) | - setStartTime:seekMode: |
| Set a specified position as play start.Call this API before prepare, only take effect once.
(void) | - setStreamDelayTime:time: |
| set the delay time of the stream
(void) | - setStsSource: |
| Play by VID and STS.
(void) | - setThumbnailUrl: |
| Specify a thumbnail image URL.
(void) | - setTraceID: |
| Set a trace ID for debugging.
(void) | - setUrlSource: |
| Play by URL.
(void) | - setUserData: |
| Set user data, and will be passed to some global API, so that client can know from which player instance.
(void) | - setVerifyStsCallback: |
| Set the AVPStsInfo expiration callback.
(void) | - setVideoTag:size: |
| Set the video tags.
(void) | - snapShot |
| Snapshot.
(void) | - start |
| Start playing.
(void) | - stop |
| Stop.
(void) | - switchStream: |
| Multi definition stream switch by url.
(void) | - updateFilterConfig:options: |
| upadate filter config.
(void) | - updateLiveStsInfo:accKey:token:region: |
| update liveSts info.