AliyunPlayer v6.21.0
Aliyun Player API Reference Manual for iOS Platforms
No Matches
AVPLiveTimeShift Class Reference

#include "AVPLiveTimeShift.h"

Inheritance diagram for AVPLiveTimeShift:

Instance Methods

(void) - prepareWithLiveTimeUrl:
 Send a request to the broadcasting timeshift URL.
(void) - seekToLiveTime:
 Seek to a specified position.
(void) - setLiveTimeShiftUrl:
 Set a broadcasting timeshift URL.
(void) - start
 Start the player.
(void) - stop
 Stop the player.
- Instance Methods inherited from AliPlayer
(void) - addExtSubtitle:
 Add external subtitles.
(void) - clearScreen
 Clear screen.
(void) - clearScreenSync
 Clear screen sync.
(void) - destroy
 Sync delete the player.
(void) - destroyAsync
 Async delete the player.
(void) - enableDowngrade:config:
 Modify player configuration.
(NSString *) - getCacheFilePath:
 Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(NSString *) - getCacheFilePath:format:definition:
 Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(NSString *) - getCacheFilePath:format:definition:previewTime:
 Query the name of the cached file with the specified URL.
(AVPConfig *) - getConfig
 Query player configuration.
(AVPTrackInfo *) - getCurrentTrack:
 Query the track that is being played.
(AVPMediaInfo *) - getMediaInfo
 Query media information, including track information.
(NSString *) - getOption:
 Get player information.
(int64_t) - getPlayedDuration
 @breif get played time, will not affected by seek
(void *) - getPlayer
(NSString *) - getPlayerName
 Get used player name.
(NSString *) - getPropertyString:
 Get information by key.
(AVPMediaInfo *) - getSubMediaInfo
 Query media sub stream information, including track information.
(void) - getThumbnail:
 Retrieve the thumbnail image at the specified position.
(NSString *) - getUserData
 Get user data, and each player instance bind one.
(instancetype) - init
 Initialize the player.
(instancetype) - init:
 Initialize the player.
(int) - invokeComponent:
 Send command to component.
(void) - pause
(void) - prepare
 Prepare for playback.
(void) - redraw
 Refresh the view in certain situations, for example, when the size of the view changes.
(void) - reload
 Reload resources.
(void) - reset
(void) - seekToTime:seekMode:
 Seek to a specified position.
(void) - selectExtSubtitle:enable:
 Select external subtitles.
(void) - selectTrack:
 Switch definition according to the specified track index.
(void) - selectTrack:accurate:
 Switch definition according to the specified track index.
(void) - sendCustomEvent:
 Send custom event, will callback through AVPEventReportParamsDelegate.
(void) - setAuthSource:
 Play by VID and playauth.
(void) - setBitStreamSource:
 Play by bit stream.
(BOOL) - setCacheConfig:
 Modify cache configuration.
(void) - setConfig:
 Modify player configuration.
(void) - setDefaultBandWidth:
 Set the default playback bitrate for multi-bit rate.
(void) - setEventReportParamsDelegate:
 Set a proxy.
(void) - setFilterConfig:
 Set filter config.
(void) - setFilterInvalid:invalid:
 disable/enable filter.
(void) - setLiveStsSource:
 Play by 使用LiveSts.
(void) - setMaxAccurateSeekDelta:
 set the maximum interval of precision seek.
(void) - setMpsSource:
 Play by VID and MPS.
(void) - setOption:value:
 Set specified option.
(void) - setOption:valueInt:
 Set specified option.
(void) - setPictureinPictureDelegate:
 set delegate for picture in picture
(void) - setPictureInPictureEnable:
 Set picture in picture enable (The picture in picture function of the player requires systems above ios15.
(void) - setPictureInPictureShowMode:
 set show mode for picture in picture
(void) - setPlayUrlConvertCallback:
 Set a URL conversion callback.
(void) - setPreferPlayerName:
 Set preper player name.
(void) - setStartTime:seekMode:
 Set a specified position as play start.Call this API before prepare, only take effect once.
(void) - setStreamDelayTime:time:
 set the delay time of the stream
(void) - setStsSource:
 Play by VID and STS.
(void) - setThumbnailUrl:
 Specify a thumbnail image URL.
(void) - setTraceID:
 Set a trace ID for debugging.
(void) - setUrlSource:
 Play by URL.
(void) - setUserData:
 Set user data, and will be passed to some global API, so that client can know from which player instance.
(void) - setVerifyStsCallback:
 Set the AVPStsInfo expiration callback.
(void) - setVideoTag:size:
 Set the video tags.
(void) - snapShot
(void) - switchStream:
 Multi definition stream switch by url.
(void) - updateFilterConfig:options:
 upadate filter config.
(void) - updateLiveStsInfo:accKey:token:region:
 update liveSts info.


NSTimeInterval currentPlayTime
 Query the current playback time.
NSTimeInterval liveTime
 Query the broadcasting time.
 Update the user timeshifting time at an interval of 60 seconds.
- Properties inherited from AliPlayer
id< CicadaRenderDelegate > renderDelegate __deprecated
 Set the render callback.
AVPAlphaRenderMode alphaRenderMode
 Set a rendering mode.
BOOL autoPlay
 Enable or disable autoplay.
int64_t bufferedPosition
 Query the buffered position.
int64_t currentDownloadSpeed
 Query the current download speed.
int64_t currentPosition
 Query the current playback position.
int64_t currentUtcTime
 Query the current playback utc time.
id< AVPDelegatedelegate
 Set a proxy.
int64_t duration
 Query the length of the video.
BOOL enableHardwareDecoder
 Enable or disable hardware decoding.
id< AVPEventReportParamsDelegateeventReportParamsDelegate
 Set the event report callback.
int height
 Query the height of the video.
int64_t localCacheLoadedSize
 Query the current playback cached file size.
BOOL loop
 Enable or disable loop playback.
AVPMirrorMode mirrorMode
 Set a mirroring mode.
BOOL muted
 Mute or unmute the player.
AVPOutputAudioChannel outputAudioChannel
 Set the output audio channel, if input source is stereo, support select to left or right channel and if intput source is mono, this api can't take effect.
AVPStatus playerStatus
 Query the player status.
AVPView * playerView
 Set a player view (playerView).
float rate
 Set the playback speed.
id< CicadaRenderingDelegate > renderingDelegate
 Set the render callback.
AVPRotateMode rotateMode
 Set a rotate mode.
int rotation
 Query the rotate angle of the video, which is retrieved from the video metadata.
AVPScalingMode scalingMode
 Set a zoom mode.
float volume
 Query or set the volume of the player(Not system volume).
int width
 Query the width of the video.

Additional Inherited Members

- Class Methods inherited from AliPlayer
(NSString *) + getDeviceUUID
 Query device UUID.
(NSString *) + getSDKVersion
 Query the SDK version.
(void) + initPlayerComponent:function:
 Initialize player components.
(BOOL) + isFeatureSupport:
 judge whether support the type of feature.
(void) + netWorkReConnect
 reconnect all connections, call this when netWork router changed, and the player will use new router.
(void) + setAudioSessionDelegate:
 Set AudioSession Delegate.
(void) + setEnableLog:
 Enable or disable logging.
(void) + setLogCallbackInfo:callbackBlock:
 Set a log output callback block.
(void) + setLogOption:value:
 Set log option.

Method Documentation

◆ prepareWithLiveTimeUrl:

- (void) prepareWithLiveTimeUrl: (NSString *) liveTimeUrl

Send a request to the broadcasting timeshift URL.

liveTimeUrlBroadcasting timeshift URL.

◆ seekToLiveTime:

- (void) seekToLiveTime: (NSTimeInterval) startTime

Seek to a specified position.

startTimeSeek to the position specified by startTime in broadcasting.

◆ setLiveTimeShiftUrl:

- (void) setLiveTimeShiftUrl: (NSString *) liveTimeShiftUrl

Set a broadcasting timeshift URL.

liveTimeShiftUrlBroadcasting timeshift URL.

◆ start

- (void) start

Start the player.

Implements AliPlayer.

◆ stop

- (void) stop

Stop the player.

Implements AliPlayer.

Property Documentation

◆ currentPlayTime

- (NSTimeInterval) currentPlayTime

Query the current playback time.

◆ liveTime

- (NSTimeInterval) liveTime

Query the broadcasting time.

◆ timeShiftModel

- (AVPTimeShiftModel*) timeShiftModel

Update the user timeshifting time at an interval of 60 seconds.

See AliyunPlayerVideoTimeShiftModel.

The documentation for this class was generated from the following file: